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<p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>&quot;Angels in the Hood&quot; Positive Book Series for young and old. Crowdfunding for this series has started.&nbsp;<br />
Copy and paste unto your browser<br />
go to&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brotherlew/angels-in-the-hood-bible-stories">https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brotherlew/angels-in-the-hood-bible-stories</a><br />
Please copy and paste onto your browser</span></p>

<p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="915" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZcQOLja7BgQ" width="1160"></iframe><br />
<iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="915" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/akGdvdiz8V8" width="1160"></iframe></p>

<p><img src="https://www.tiptopwebsite.com/photos4/bl/bookcoverangels2ebook.jpg" /> See a partial sample of pages Below<br />
<br />
<br />
<iframe allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="980px" src="https://mixam.com/embed/5f2a131e4b11a76ec6fe3c56" width="1040px"></iframe>&nbsp;</p>

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="paypal"><input name="cmd" type="hidden" value="_s-xclick" /> <input name="hosted_button_id" type="hidden" value="QH48T5VGRWTEC" />
            <td><input name="on0" type="hidden" value="Brother Lew Books" />Brother Lew Books</td>
            <td><select name="os0"><option value="Who the Son sets free">Who the Son sets free $9.99 USD</option><option value="Coronavirus">Coronavirus $9.99 USD</option><option value="Breaking the Strongholds">Breaking the Strongholds $9.99 USD</option><option value="Choose your Ministry">Choose your Ministry $9.99 USD</option><option value="Only One Breath Away">Only One Breath Away $9.99 USD</option><option value="Atmospheric Solutions">Atmospheric Solutions $9.99 USD</option><option value="Father Hood in this Hip Hop Gen">Father Hood in this Hip Hop Gen $9.99 USD</option><option value="Brother Lew Life or Death">Brother Lew Life or Death $9.99 USD</option><option value="Outkast: One Day at a Time">Outkast: One Day at a Time $9.99 USD</option><option value="Angelsin the Hood">Angelsin the Hood $9.99 USD</option> </select></td>
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<p>Link to Times Business News Interview:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://timebusinessnews.com/a-candid-conversation-with-author-christian-rapper-brotherlew/&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1586878275357000&amp;usg=AFQjCNEkb7UIbzBeVmO9HedRjfGdUMSeKQ" href="https://timebusinessnews.com/a-candid-conversation-with-author-christian-rapper-brotherlew/" target="_blank">https://timebusinessnews.com/<wbr />a-candid-conversation-with-<wbr />author-christian-rapper-<wbr />brotherlew/</a></p>

<p><strong>Brother Lew now booking for Community Evangelistic Outreach Workshops - 2 Hour evening sessions - Saturday all day sessions - For all Churches, Ministries, Youth Pastors, Associate Pastors, Cell Leaders, etc. Copies will be made available of series for young people all over and for adult gifts.<br />
Also Bible characters with the &quot;Radical Fanatics 4 Jesus&quot;&nbsp;and &quot;Angels In Da Hood&quot; - See below for our Bible book series through Spoken Word, Lyrics and Songs.</strong><br />
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<strong>Help Us Inform the Public and Stamp out Drug, Alcohol,&nbsp;Tobacco&nbsp;Use and Abuse, Bullying, Student and Teacher Burnout. Help to build leadership potential in our students.</strong> <strong>Brother Lou Acosta is available to speak on various topics including: Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Recovery - Prison Re-entry Reform - Fatherhood in the Hip Hop Generation -&nbsp;Responsibility/Reliability in Students, Parents and Teachers, as well as reading and Spoken Word specials with bible studies. camps, Sunday Schools&nbsp;etc.&nbsp; send all info To: BrotherLew@gmail.com&nbsp; or call 440-670-7017</strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
